
Tag: legal insights

General Exceptions under IPC

General Exceptions under IPC According to the Indian Penal Code, Mens rea and actus reus are the two essential components of the commission of crime. Within this article, I have enumerated Chapter IV of IPC i.e.  Exceptions. This article deals with the nature and the categories of the protection given to the criminal to make his offence a non-offence. I have also enumerated several case laws along with a brief explanation of the general defences. Sections 76 to 106 provide for the right of the people to protect their own life and limb and also of others. This provision gives a chance to accuse to prove himself non-guilty. Introduction The general exceptions/defences contained in Section 76-106 make a violation a non-violation. These are the defences which absolve the accused from any violation liability. This part has been framed to remove the repetition of exceptions in every penal clause and the legislature by S.6 IPC, 1860 enacted that all the definitions must be considered because of the exceptions. Application of  Exceptions The court shall presume that there is not any presence of chances and it has to be proved by the accused. Because it is given in Section105 of the Indian Evidence Act that when a human has done any kind of violation, the pressure of showing the existence of scenarios of exceptions or within any special exception or proviso is upon him i.e., accused and the court shall assume the absence of such circumstances.[1] Investigation shall not confine merely to the acts done by a person. Depending on the facts and circumstances of each case, many other relevant facts have to be investigated in the light of expressions contained in “General Exceptions”. Then only will be able to confirm whether this act carried out by a human is a violation of law or not. The General Exceptions are discussed below: Mistake of Fact S.76 and 79 are based on the expression that Ignorance of fact is an excuse but ignorance of law is not an excuse. The characteristics are; A crime must be done by a person He must do that act by mistake of fact He must do it in good faith Queen v. Tolson[2] In this case, the petitioner tied the knot of marriage in 1880. In 1881, her husband went missing. Then believing her husband to be dead, she tied the knot of marriage with another male. Now, 11 months later her previous husband turned up and filed a case against her for the violation of bigamy. It was assumed that the belief of the death of her husband was a mistake of fact by the appellant and thus, she would not be charged with an offence of bigamy. Reg v. Fredrick Jones In this case, a loaded gun was not known to be loaded by the person handling it and he pressed a trigger. But, due to a gun being loaded a person died. It was held that it was a mistake of fact that the gun was not in a loaded situation with the knowledge of the person handling it. So, he was not held liable under Section 302 IPC. M.H.George v. State of Maharashtra[3] India recently passed a law prohibiting carrying that much gold through India. He was hiding the gold in his jacket, that too 34 kg of gold. It was held that even if M.H. George didn’t know the law it was no excuse, he was supposed to know it. Ignorance of law is no excuse and he was held liable under the relevant provision. State of Andhra Pradesh v. Venu Gopal[4] In this case, police arrested a person on suspicion that he had received some stolen property and was involved in housebreaking. The prosecution alleged the police for wrongful confinement and torture for taking out a confession by him. The trial court convicted the police. High Court acquitted giving them the defence of Section 79. Supreme Court said that ‘this view of High Court is wholly unwarranted in law’. Beating and torturing have no relation to the process of investigation. S.76 talks about bound by law and Section 79 talks about justified by law. But, in both sections, there must be bonafide intention i.e., good faith. That means, S.76 says about legal compulsion and Section 79 says about legal justification. Good Faith = Due care + attention. Judicial Acts Section 77 provides two types of protection to the judge. First, he is protected if he proceeds irregularly in the exercise of a power which the law gives him. A special immunity is provided to judges for the sake of fearlessness and independence of administration of justice. To avail of this immunity, the act must have been done by a judge in the discharge of his official duty, the deed done must be within his jurisdiction and the act must be performed in good faith. Accident The main objective for providing this defence is that there is no criminal intention (men’s rea) in the Accident if these 5 conditions are fulfilled: The act is done by accident or misfortune (An accident is such an incident that can’t be interpreted by an ordinary prudent man whereas misfortune is such an accident with harmful consequences). Lawful act is to be done Lawful acts must be done in a lawful manner  Jageshwar v. Emperor[5] The accused was hitting the victim with his fists but accidentally hit his wife who was holding her 2-month-old child. The blow hit the head of the child which resulted in his death. It was held that even though the child was hit by accident, the act was not lawful. Thus, the accused would not be given protection under Section 80 IPC. Necessity Section 81 IPC is based on the doctrine of jus necessitates. The ingredients of Section 81 are the act must have been done under good faith and there must not be men’s rea. It is to be noted that there is no intention but knowledge and it…

Indian Penal Code

Divorce Under Hindu Marriage Act 1955

Divorce Under Hindu Marriage Act 1955 Divorce was not a concept that existed in ancient times. They viewed marriage as a sacred institution. Manu asserts that a husband and wife are inseparable and their marital bond cannot be severed. Later, the idea of Divorce entered the scene and became commonplace as a way to dissolve a marriage. The Arthashastra states that a marriage can end if both parties want to do so and that it should be an unauthorized union. Manu, however, rejects the idea of the dissolution. Manu asserts that the demise of either spouse is the only way to end a marriage. The Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 introduced the clause relating to the idea of Divorce. Divorce is referred to as the dissolution of a marriage in the Hindu Marriage Act. The marriage or married connection must be protected from all harm for the reasons outlined by law for the benefit of society. Only grave circumstances allow for Divorce; all other circumstances offer an option. Grounds of Divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 Based on Section 13(1) of the Hindu Marriage Act, any of the displeased spouses can go to court and demand a Divorce with the culpability theory of the law. Only the wife can apply to the court for a Divorce under the conditions outlined in Section 13(2). 1. Adultery In many nations, the idea of adultery may not be viewed as a crime. However, according to the Hindu Marriage Act, adultery is one of the most significant grounds for Divorce when it comes to matrimonial offenses. Adultery is defined as consensual and voluntary sexual activity between a married person and another member of the opposite sex, whether they are already married or not. If the marriage of the husband and his second wife is deemed to constitute bigamy, even their sexual relations are grounds for adultery. The Marriage Laws Amendment Act of 1976 added the idea of adultery to the Hindu Marriage Act. In Swapna Ghose v. Sadanand Ghose In this case, the wife found her husband with another girl lying on the same bed and the neighbor also confirmed that the husband had committed an offense. Here the wife gets the Divorce. 2. Cruelty Both mental and physical cruelty are included in the concept of cruelty. The term “physical cruelty” refers to when one spouse physically harms or beats the other spouse.  Physical cruelty can be easily identified, while mental cruelty is more difficult to define. What is considered as Mental Cruelty against Husband by wife: Humiliating the husband in front of his family and friends. Making false allegations against him. Wife having affair. Wife living an immoral life. The constant demand for money. Aggressive and uncontrollable behavior of Wife. Ill-treatment to the husband’s parents and family. 3. Desertion Desertion is when one spouse is permanently abandoned by the other without their consent or any justifiable excuse. Generally speaking, when one side refuses to accept the responsibilities of marriage. Essentials abandonment of the other spouse forever. rejection of the marital obligation. without any justifiable basis. no agreement from a second spouse. 4. Conversion The other spouse has the right to petition the court for a Divorce if one of the spouses changes his or her religion without the other spouse’s consent. Illustration A, a Hindu, has two kids and a wife named B. Without B’s permission, A went to church one day and decided to become a Christian. Now B can go to court and ask for a Divorce based on A’s conversion. 5. Venereal Illness According to this theory, a sickness that is contagious and can be passed on to the other spouse qualifies as a legal reason for Divorce. Illustration On September 9, 2011, A and B got married. A later developed an untreatable venereal illness. If B lives with A, there’s a chance she could contract the sickness as well. B may now apply to the court for the dissolution of their marriage. Divorce with Mutual Consent as an Idea By mutual permission of the parties, the individual may submit the Divorce petition by Section 13B. The parties must wait one year from the date of marriage if they desire to end their marriage by mutual consent. Conclusion There are several provisions surrounding Divorce in the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955. “Divorce as a Dissolution of Marriage” is defined under the Hindu Marriage Act. According to this view, a marriage may be dissolved if one spouse is guilty or liable for a crime that falls under the category of matrimonial offenses. The innocent spouse is entitled to Divorce as a remedy. Written By:- Sonu Kumar

Indian Constitution