Section 26 of the Limitation Act, 1963: Exclusion in Favor of Reversioner
Section 26 provides for the exclusion of time during which the reversioner (a person entitled to inherit property after the current owner’s interest ends) is restrained from seeking possession due to legal impediments. Key Points: 1. Application to Reversioners: The section applies when a reversioner is entitled to possession of property but is legally barred from asserting their claim due to certain impediments. This ensures that the reversioner’s right is not unfairly affected by obstacles beyond their control. 2. Exclusion of Time: The time during which the reversioner is restrained from taking action is excluded from the computation of the limitation period. This gives the reversioner a fair opportunity to claim possession once the restraint is removed. 3. Purpose: Section 26 protects the interests of reversioners, ensuring that their inability to act due to legal barriers does not result in the loss of their inheritance rights. It aims to promote justice and equity for rightful heirs. 4. Illustration: If A, a reversioner, is barred by a legal restraint from claiming possession of B’s property for five years, this period is excluded from the limitation period, allowing A additional time to assert their right.