
Author: toahostinger

Understanding Writs and Their Role in Protecting Rights

Introduction Writs are legal instruments designed to protect the fundamental rights mentioned in Part III of the Indian Constitution. They are formal written orders from a court, directing specific actions or prohibiting certain activities. The Supreme Court can issue writs under Article 32, while High Courts have the power under Article 226. These tools ensure the enforcement of constitutional rights, acting as checks on the abuse of power. Writs can be issued in the form of orders, directions, or commands. A person whose rights are violated can file a writ petition with the appropriate court. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar called Article 32 the “heart and soul of the Constitution.” Types of Writs Habeas Corpus Meaning: “You may have the body.” Ensures protection against unlawful detention, compelling the authority to present the detained person before the court. If the detention is found illegal, the court can order immediate release. It cannot be used if detention is backed by a lawful authority. This writ is crucial in upholding the right to personal liberty. Can be sought by the detained individual or by their family/friends. Conditions: Detained person not presented before a magistrate within 24 hours. Detention under an unconstitutional law. Arrest without legal cause. Case Laws: R.D. Upadhyay v. State of A.P. (2006): The writ was used to address conditions in children’s homes. Kharak Singh v. State of U.P. (1964): Reinforced the right to personal liberty, limiting state surveillance. Mandamus Meaning: “We command.” Directs a public authority to fulfill its duties. Filed by individuals whose legal rights are being denied by public officials. Can be issued against government bodies, tribunals, or public corporations. It’s not applicable to private individuals, the President, or Governors. Exceptions: Discretionary duties, non-statutory functions, private rights, or where alternative remedies exist. Case Laws: Bhopal Gas Peedith Mahila Udyog Sangathan v. Union of India (2012): Highlighted that the writ cannot be issued when alternative legal remedies exist. P.U.C.L. v. Union of India (2003): Clarified the scope of mandamus in public interest matters. Certiorari Meaning: “To be informed.” Used to correct the errors of lower courts when they act beyond their jurisdiction. Allows the higher court to transfer a case to itself or quash a faulty decision. Applicable against administrative as well as judicial authorities after 1991. Not issued against private individuals. Grounds: Lack of jurisdiction, procedural errors, or failure to follow natural justice. Case Laws: State of Gujarat v. Raghav Bechar (1969): Set limits on when a certiorari writ can be issued. Surya Dev Rai v. Ram Chander Rai (2003): Clarified the power of courts under Articles 226 and 227 to issue certiorari. Quo Warranto Meaning: “By what authority.” Prevents an individual from holding a public office illegally. The court asks the official to justify their authority to hold that position. Not applicable to private roles or appointments. Grounds: Unqualified individual occupying a public office. The office must have a statutory basis. Case Laws: Shivaji Rao v. State of Maharashtra (1983): Emphasized the importance of statutory qualifications for holding public office. Ashok Pandey v. State of Uttar Pradesh (2000): Discussed the applicability of this writ to university appointments. Prohibition Meaning: “To forbid.” Stops a lower court or tribunal from overstepping its jurisdiction. Unlike mandamus, it prohibits action rather than compelling it. Aimed at preventing jurisdictional overreach by subordinate courts. Not applicable to administrative bodies, legislative actions, or private entities. Conditions: Exceeding authority, procedural violations, using invalid laws, or violating legal rights. Case Laws: East India Commercial Co. Ltd. v. Collector of Customs (1962): Clarified that prohibition is available only before a lower court’s decision. S. Govind Menon v. Union of India (1967): Addressed the limits of judicial intervention through prohibition. CLICK TO WATCH THE DETAILED VIDEO ON WRITS BY TOA


Mehr (Dower) Muslim Law

Mehr (Dower) Definition, Nature and Importance of Dower (Mahr) “Dower is a sum of money or other property which the wife is entitled to receive from the husband in consideration of marriage” Mulla. According to K.P. Saxena “Dower is a sum of money or any property promised by the husband to be paid or delivered to the wife as a mark of respect for the surrender of her person after the marriage contract but generally said to be consideration for marriage.” Further, In Saburannessa v. Sabdur Sheikh, [(1934) Justice Mitter remarked: The marriage under Muslim law is a civil contract and it is like a contract of sale. But the notion of dower given above is not correct. Fitzgerald says: “It would be incorrect to describe the Muslim dower purely as the bride’s price.” Baillie says, under Muslim Law ‘dower is an obligation imposed upon the husband as a mark of respect to the wife.’ Abdur Rahim rightly says, “It is not a consideration proceeding from the husband for the contract of marriage, but is an obligation imposed by the law on the husband as a mark of respect for the wife as is evident from the fact that the non-specification of dower at the time of marriage does not affect the validity of marriage.” (Muhammadan Jurisprudence, p. 334). Hedaya says that “the payment of dower is enjoined by the law as a token of respect for its object, the woman.” Further unlike sale, dower is not given to anyone except to the women herself. Object of Dower The object of dower is three-fold: to impose an obligation on the husband as a mark of respect of the wife; to place a check on the capricious use of divorce on the part of husband; and to provide for her subsistence after the dissolution of her marriage, so that she may not become helpless after the death of the husband or termination of marriage by divorce. Subject matter of dower A handful of dates (Abu Daud). A pair of shoes (Tirmizi). If the husband is a slave, his services to his wife (Mohit Sarkhsee). The services of the husband’s slaves to the wife (Fatawa-i-Alamgiri). Husband’s services rendered to the guardian of a minor wife (Durrul Muktar). Teaching Koran to the wife (Tradition). In fact, the main contention of the Muslim jurists is that anything which comes within the definition of property can be the subject-matter of dower. Minimum and Maximum Amounts of dower Minimum – Hanafis 10 dirhams Malikis – 3 dirhams. Shafiis No minimum. Shias. No minimum. Maximum amount can be any amount without any upper limit. Among some of the sects of Shias, however, there is a tendency “not to stipulate for a sum higher than the minimum fixed by the Prophet for his favourite daughter Fatima, the wife of Ali, namely 500 dirhams. Amounts of dower and conditions of payment. If the marriage is consummated, and is dissolved by death: (a) whole of the specified dower or in case of regular marriage. (b) proper dower if unspecified, (c) specified or proper dower, which is less, in the case of irregular marriage. if the marriage is not consummated, and is dissolved by the act of party. (i) When divorced by the husband– (a) half of the specified dower, or (b) a present of three articles, if unspecified – in case of regular marriage (ii) When divorced by the wife: No dower, (iii) If the marriage is irregular: No dower   Kinds of dower Broadly, there are two kinds of dower: specified (Mahr i Musamma) and unspecified (proper or Mahr i Misl). The specified dower has been further divided into: (a) Prompt (Mahr Muajjal) and (b) Deferred (Mahr e Muwajjal) (i) Specified dower.- An amount settled by the parties at the time of marriage or after, is called specified dower. If the bridegroom is minor, his father may settle the amount of dower, Hanafi Law says that the father is not personally liable for the dower, but according to Shia Law, he will be so liable. Prompt and Deferred dower.-Prompt dower is payable on demand, and deferred dower is payable on the dissolution of marriage by death or divorce. The prompt portion of the dower may be realised by the wife at any time before or after consummation, but the deferred dower could not be so demanded. In the case where it is not settled how much of the dower is prompt and what part of it is deferred, the Shia Law holds that the whole of dower is prompt; the Sunni Law, however, holds that only a part is prompt. This part is to be fixed with reference to (i) custom, or (ii) the status of the parties, and (iii) the amount of settled dower. Unspecified dower.-In such cases where dower has not been settled at the time of the marriage or after, it is fixed with reference to the social position of the wife’s family and her own personal qualifications. Help would be taken by taking into account the amounts of dower fixed in case of wife’s sisters, paternal aunts, etc., and according to the Hedaya, the wife’s age, beauty, intellect and virtue will also be considered. Such dowers are called mahr-ul-misl. One aspect of dower beneficial to the Muslim woman is that even where the parties to the marriage have not stipulated any dower, the husband remains under an obligation to pay it.   Remedies in case of non-payment of Dower The rights which dower confers on the wife are threefold : Refusal to cohabit. Right to dower as a debt. Retention of husband’s property. Refusal to cohabit. Before consummation, the wife is entitled to refuse to live with her husband and refuse to him sexual intercourse so long as prompt dower is not paid to her. In a suit for restitution of conjugal rights by the husband, the non-payment of prompt dower is a complete defence if the marriage is not consummated. If the wife…

Human Rights, judiciary, Law, Legal, Uncategorized

12 Maxims of Equity

12 Maxims of Equity Maxims of Equity Equity in law refers to a set of principles that aim to achieve fairness and justice when the strict application of legal rules might result in an unfair outcome. The principles of equity are often summarized in maxims, which serve as guidelines for courts in deciding cases based on fairness. In this article we will discuss 12 most important maxims of equity. He who seeks equity must do equity Meaning If you want the court to help you, you must be fair and just in your own actions. Example This maxim is incorporated under Order 8, Rule 6 of the CPC, as the doctrine of set-off. Suppose A goes to court and claims 1000 rupees due from B. B claims in a same suit 300 rupees due to him from A. If A wants courts to do equity (grant him his 1000 rupees) he should also do equity (should also return to B his 300 rupees) Example Imagine a tenant who has not paid rent for several months. If this tenant goes to court asking for protection against eviction, the court will expect the tenant to be willing to pay the overdue rent. The tenant must act fairly by paying what is due if they want the court’s help. Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy Meaning If someone has been wronged, the court will find a way to provide a remedy, even if the existing laws do not offer a clear solution. It is based on Latin maxim “Ubi jus ibi remedium” which means “where there is a right, there is a remedy.” Principle This principle means that if a legal right has been violated, the law must provide a way to enforce that right or offer compensation. Example Imagine someone takes your land by cheating you out of it. The strict law might not have a specific solution to give your land back if the papers are all legal. However, based on this maxim, the court will ensure that some remedy (such as getting the land back or compensation) to be given to you as a remedy. Leading Case on where there is a right there is a remedy Ashby v. White 1703 is a landmark English case. Facts Plaintiff: Mr. Ashby, a qualified voter. Defendant: Mr. White, a constable. Incident: Mr. Ashby was wrongfully prevented from voting by Mr. White. The candidate whom Ashby wanted to vote won the election in spite of that. Reasoning Plaintiff’s Argument: Ashby argued that even the candidate whom he wanted to vote has won the election but still his right to vote, was violated. He sought damages for this infringement. Defendant’s Argument: White contended that since Ashby’s preferred candidate won, no actual damage was suffered, and thus no compensation was warranted. Conclusion Court’s Decision: The court, led by Chief Justice Holt, ruled in favor of Ashby. It was held that the right to vote is a common law right, and any obstruction of this right should give rise to a cause of action, regardless of whether tangible damage occurred. Legal Principle: The decision in Ashby v. White set a principle that there is a legal remedy available for any infringement. Equity regards as done what ought to be done Meaning The court treats things that should have been done as if they were actually done. Example Suppose a person agrees to sell a piece of land to another person and receives the payment. However, the formal transfer of the land (registration) hasn’t been completed yet. If a dispute arises, the court will treat the land as already transferred to the buyer because the seller has received the payment and should have completed the transfer. Application of this maxim in India   Section 40 of TPA Illustration A contracts to sell Sultanpur to B. While the contract is still in force he sells Sultanpur to C, who has notice of the contract. B may enforce the contract against C to the same extent as against A. Principle If a person has promised or is obligated to do something, they should be treated as if they have fulfilled that promise, even if they haven’t done it yet. Equity is equality Meaning The maxim “equity is equality” ensures that the court tries to treat everyone equally and fairly, especially in cases involving division of assets or benefits. Example A, B and C bind themselves as sureties for a debt of Rs. 3,000/- advanced by X to Y. On Y’s failure to pay off the debt, X has a right to recover the whole amount from any of the three and if A has been compelled to pay the whole and cannot obtain indemnity from Y he (A) is entitled to a contribution of one-third from B and the other one-third from C and has to bear only the remaining one-third for himself. Principle Here the contribution is not the result of contract but is based upon the principle of natural justice. The statutory applications of this doctrine under the Indian Law are :- (i) Section 43 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872, which entitles a co-promisor who has performed the promise to compel other joint-promisors to contribute equally; (ii) Section 146 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 provides for contribution among co-sureties ; (iii) Section 27 of the Indian Trust Act, 1882 which provides for contribution among co-trustees in case of a breach of trust; whether breach of trusts was committed jointly or where one of the trustees by his neglect enables the other to commit a breach of trust. (iv) Section 82 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 provides for contribution to the mortgage debt by the co-mortgagors. Example 1 (Contract for Sale of Property): Situation: You entered into a contract to buy a piece of land from a seller. You paid the full amount, but the seller hasn’t transferred the land to you. Court’s Action: The court can apply…


art 5 to 11

  Category Description Illustration Case Law Citizens Enjoy all civil and political rights. – Articles 15, 16, 19, 29, and 30 are only for Indian citizens.<br>- Right to vote in elections to the Lok Sabha & state legislative assembly.<br>- Right to contest for membership of Parliament & state legislature.<br>- Can hold public offices such as President, Vice President, judges of SC & HCs, governor of states, attorney general of India & advocate general of states.<br>- Article 51A imposes 11 fundamental duties only on citizens. – Aliens Do not enjoy all civil and political rights. – Friendly aliens: Subjects of countries with cordial relations with India.<br>- Enemy aliens: Subjects of countries at war with India. – Natural Persons Living human beings. Examples: Men, women, and children. – Legal Persons Entities deemed to exist in the eye of law. Examples: Corporations, companies, institutions, universities, banks, railways, colleges, temples, hospitals, clubs, idols, etc. – Article 5 Persons domiciled in India. – Born in India.<br>- Either parent born in India.<br>- Resident in India for five years before the commencement of the Constitution. Pardeep Jain v. Union of India, 1984: Recognizes only one domicile, viz. domicile of India. Article 6 Persons migrated from Pakistan. – – Article 7 Persons migrated to Pakistan but later returned. – – Article 8 Persons of Indian origin residing outside India (overseas Indians). – – Article 9 No person shall be a citizen of India if they have voluntarily acquired the citizenship of any foreign state. – – Article 10 Continuation of citizenship. – – Article 11 Parliament’s power to regulate citizenship. – – Acquisition of Citizenship (Citizenship Act, 1955): Birth Descent Registration Naturalisation Incorporation of territory Loss of Citizenship (Citizenship Act, 1955): Renunciation Termination Deprivation


WRITS The state and its instrumentalities, such as the police, universities, and other government bodies, exist to serve the nation and fulfil public duties. However, there are times when these very entities violate our rights, leaving us with no other option. In such instances, we can seek help and assistance from the court by applying for special orders known as writs. Thus, writs are special orders issued by superior courts to protect people’s rights and ensure that justice is done. These writs are five in number. These writs serve as an effective mechanism through which the judiciary can uphold the rights of individuals when those rights are violated, particularly by the state or public authorities, and in some cases even by private individuals.  In India, two courts have the authority to issue writs: Supreme Court (Article 32): Writs only for fundamental rights. High Courts (Article 226):  Writs for fundamental rights and other legal rights.   Habeas Corpus Habeas Corpus is a Latin term which literally means “you may have the body”.  The writ is issued in the form of an order calling upon a person by whom another person is detained to bring that person before the Court and to let the Court know by what authority he has detained that person. Who can apply for the writ: The general rule is that an application can be made by a person who is illegally detained, But in certain cases, an application of habeas corpus can be made by any person on behalf of the prisoner, i.e., a friend or a relation. Burden of proof The burden of proof to justify detention has always been placed on the detaining authority. Writ against private individual The Supreme Court of India clarified this in the case of Kanu Sanyal v. District Magistrate, Darjeeling (1973). In this landmark judgment, the Court emphasized that the writ of habeas corpus can be issued not only against public authorities but also against private individuals if it is proven that they are unlawfully detaining someone. Case Law and Example: Mohd. Ikram Hussain v. State of U.P. (1964) All  Facts: Mohd. Ikram Hussain was arrested and detained by the police under the suspicion of having committed a crime. His family believed that the detention was illegal, as he was not produced before a magistrate within the stipulated time, and there was no legal basis for his continued detention. The family filed a petition in the Allahabad High Court, seeking a writ of habeas corpus to challenge the illegal detention and secure his release.  Judgement: The Allahabad High Court issued the writ of habeas corpus and ordered the police to bring Mohd. Ikram Hussain before the court to justify his detention. Upon reviewing the facts, the court found that: The detention was illegal, as the police had not followed due process, including presenting him before a magistrate within the required time. The court directed his immediate release, as there was no valid reason for his continued detention. Similarly, the detention becomes unlawful if a person who is arrested is not produced before the Magistrate within 24 hours of his arrest and he will be entitled to be released on the writ of habeas corpus.  It can also be issued in case of child’s custody cases by one parent against the other.   Mandamus The word “mandamus” means “the order” or “we command”. When it is used: If a government officer or body is not performing its duty, you can approach the court for a mandamus writ to compel them to act. For instance, a licensing officer is under a duty to issue a licence to an applicant who fulfils all the conditions laid down for the issue of such Licence. But despite the fulfilment of such conditions if the officer or the authority concerned refuses or fails to issue the licence the aggrieved person has a right to seek the remedy through a writ of mandamus. Allahabad High Court issued a writ of mandamus to direct the Regional Passport Officer to issue a passport to the petitioner. (Basoo Yadav v. Union of India, 2022 All) When it will not lie. —A writ of mandamus will not be granted in the following circumstances: (1) When the duty is merely discretionary in nature the writ of mandamus will not lie. State of M. P. v. Mandawara,’ the M. P. Government made a rule making it discretionary to grant dearness allowance to its employees at a particular rate. The Supreme Court held that the writ of mandamus could not be issued to compel the Government to exercise its power. (2) A writ of mandamus does not lie against a private individual or any private organisation because they are not entrusted with a public duty.’ (3) A writ of mandamus cannot be granted to enforce an obligation arising out of contract.’   Prohibition A writ of prohibition literally means “to forbid”. It is issued primarily to prevent an inferior court or tribunal from exceeding its jurisdiction or acting contrary to the rules of natural justice. It is issued by a superior Court to inferior courts for the purpose of preventing inferior Courts from usurping a jurisdiction with which it was not legally vested, or in other words to compel inferior courts to keep within the limits of their jurisdiction. Thus the writ is issued in both cases where there is excess of jurisdiction and where there is absence of jurisdiction. Hari Vishnu Kamath v. Syed Ahmad Ishaque (1955) Facts: This case involved an election dispute where the Election Tribunal’s decision was challenged. Reasoning: The Supreme Court issued a writ of prohibition to prevent the Tribunal from proceeding further, as it had acted beyond its jurisdiction. East India Commercial Co. Ltd. v. Collector of Customs (1962) Facts: This case involved the seizure of goods by customs authorities without proper jurisdiction. Reasoning: The Supreme Court issued a writ of prohibition to prevent the customs authorities from proceeding further, as they had acted beyond their jurisdiction….

Indian Constitution, judiciary, Law

History of the Constitution of India

Basic Overview 1600- Arrival of the British : The British East India Company (EIC) arrived in India in 1600 as traders with exclusive trading rights granted by Queen Elizabeth I. 1764- Battle of Buxar : Transition to Power: Initially focused on trade, the EIC gained political power after winning the Battle of Buxar in 1764, securing Diwani rights (revenue collection) in Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa. 1857- British Crown Control: Following the Revolt of 1857, the British Crown took direct control of India from the EIC and ruled until India gained independence on August 15, 1947. 1950- Constitution of India: Formation of the Constitution: After independence, the Constituent Assembly was formed in 1946 to draft the Indian Constitution. Adoption of the Constitution: The Constitution of India was adopted on January 26, 1950. Full Concept History of the Constitution of India Regulating Act of 1773 Background: The British Parliament passed the Regulation Act of 1773 due to the inefficiency of the dual system introduced by Robert Clive in 1765. Purpose: This was the first step to regulate and control the East India Company’s affairs. Centralised Administration: It established a centralised administration in India. Hierarchy: Made the Governors of Bombay and Madras presidencies subordinate to the Governor-General of Bengal. Official Recognition: The political and administrative functions of the East India Company in India were officially recognised for the first time. Pitt’s India Act of 1784: Created a dual system of control with the British government having supreme control over the company’s affairs. Established the Board of Control to oversee the East India Company’s civil, military, and revenue affairs. Charter Act of 1793: Renewed the East India Company’s charter for 20 years. Allowed the company to continue trade and administrative functions in India. Extended the company’s monopoly on trade with India. Charter Act of 1813: Ended the East India Company’s monopoly on trade with India, except for trade in tea and trade with China. Allowed missionaries to come to India and promote education. Charter Act of 1833: Centralised the administration of India under the Governor-General. Ended the East India Company’s commercial activities, making it an administrative body only. Provided for the establishment of a law commission to codify Indian laws. Charter Act of 1853: Renewed the company’s charter but did not specify a time limit. Introduced a competitive examination for the recruitment of civil servants. Created a separate legislative council for India. Government of India Act, 1858: Transferred control of India from the East India Company to the British Crown. Established the office of the Secretary of State for India. Created the Indian Civil Service under the direct control of the British government. Indian Councils Act 1861: Introduced Indian representation in the legislative process. Allowed the Viceroy to nominate Indian members to his expanded council. Indian Councils Act 1892: Expanded the powers of legislative councils and increased the number of Indian members. Introduced indirect elections for the legislative councils. Indian Councils Act 1909 (Morley-Minto Reforms): Introduced separate electorates for Muslims. Expanded legislative councils at both central and provincial levels. Increased Indian participation in governance. Government of India Act 1919 (Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms): Introduced dyarchy in the provinces, dividing subjects into transferred and reserved categories. Expanded the central and provincial legislative councils and increased Indian representation. Indian Independence Act of 1947: Granted independence to India and Pakistan. Ended British rule in India. Provided for the partition of India and the establishment of two independent dominions, India and Pakistan.

Indian Constitution

The Empress vs Gonesh Dooley And Gopi Dooley 1879 Cal

The Empress vs Gonesh Dooley And Gopi Dooley 1879 Cal (Snake Charmer’s Case) JUDGMENT by McDonell, J. Case Facts: Gonesh Dooley was accused of causing the death of a boy by placing a snake on him by exhibiting in public a venomous snake, whose fangs he knew had not been extracted, and to show his own skill, but without any intention to cause harm to anyone, placed the snake on the head of one of the spectators. The spectator in trying to push off the snake was bitten, and died in consequence. Issues Involved Prosecution’s Argument: The prosecution argued that Gonesh intentionally caused the boy’s death by placing the snake on him, knowing it was dangerous. They also argued that Gopi abetted Gonesh by encouraging or assisting him in the act. Defense’s Argument: The defense argued that Gonesh did not have the intention to kill the boy. They claimed it was a reckless act without the knowledge that it would result in death. They also argued that Gopi did not actively participate in the act and should not be held responsible. Court’s Reasoning: Courts Analysis: The court found that Gonesh did not intentionally cause the boy’s death. It was determined that he did not know the act was “so imminently dangerous that it must, in all probability, cause death” (the last clause of murder) Comparison with Previous Case: The court compared this case with another case The Queen v. Poonai Fattemah 1869, where the accused had intentionally caused a snake to bite the victim. The court noted that in Gonesh’s case, there was no such clear intention or knowledge of imminent danger. Without intention but knowledge: Court observed that in this case “that Gonesh did not think that the snake would bite the boy. But we think that the act was done with the knowledge that it was likely to cause death, but without the intention of causing death.” Conclusion: Sentencing: The court found that Gonesh did not have the intention to cause death but acted with the knowledge that his actions were likely to cause death. Therefore, he was sentenced under Section 304 Part II. Gonesh Dooley was sentenced to three years of rigorous imprisonment. Gopi Dooley, who abetted Gonesh, was sentenced to one year of rigorous imprisonment under Sections 114 and 304 of the IPC.

Criminal Law, Indian Penal Code, judiciary, Law

Assault and Battery

Assault and Battery This article discusses assault and Battery, which fall under the category of torts. A tort is defined as a wrongdoing or an infringement of a right that results in legal obligation and is not covered by a contract. False incarceration is also a crime, as stated in “public nuisance is a crime as well as a tort”). The number of assault and Battery cases is rising daily. Introduction Assault and Battery fall under the tort, which is a civil violation classified as an intentional tort. The purposeful violation of another’s legally protected rights is referred to as an intentional tort. we could define assault as any action on the part of the defendant that immediately makes the plaintiff fear coming into contact with him. As a result, assault is committed when the defendant gives the plaintiff reason to believe that he will commit Battery against him through his actions. Typical assaults When someone points a pistol at someone else and threatens to shoot them, even if the victim later discovers the gun was not loaded or even real. The following are some characteristics of an assault: The act was meant to arouse fear of harmful or offensive contact. The act did arouse reasonable fear of such contact in the victim. A bodily threat gesture that is about to be made. A civil wrong known as Battery is defined as the willful and direct use of physical force against another person’s person or as the unlawful use of force against another person or their property, resulting in bodily harm or offensive contact. Battery attempts are considered assaults. An intentional tort is a Battery. Example Battery occurs when someone purposefully makes contact with another person that is harmful or objectionable. However, the Plaintiff is not liable if they granted explicit assent to the crime or inferred consent by taking part in a certain activity or circumstance (such as playing sports with the defendant).[i] Historical Background of Assault and Battery Modern tort law recognises certain “intentional torts,” or legal claims that can only be made when the defendant acted with the intent to harm the plaintiff or with a high degree of certainty that the plaintiff would be harmed. Several “classic” intentional torts, recognised as grounds of action for centuries, such as assault, Battery, false imprisonment, trespass to chattels, and trespass to real property, are examples of current intentional torts. Newer causes of action such as deliberate infliction of emotional distress, intentional interference with contracts, and intentional interference with prospective advantage are included in modern intentional torts. [ii] But there was no such thing as an “intentional tort” in tort law before the latter part of the nineteenth century. The actions for the “classic” intentional torts mentioned here were typically brought in trespass cases, which did not call for an intentional injury claim.2 The more recent intentional torts received very little recognition.  Types of Domestic Assault and Battery Misdemeanor[iii] Domestic assault and Battery, defined as the purposeful and unlawful attempt, offer, and subsequent use of violence against a person with whom the offender currently has or formerly had a close, intimate relationship, constitutes the first offence. First-time domestic assault and Battery with a minor present – The same as above, but with a minor child in attendance at the time of the alleged event. First-time Domestic Battery and Assault of a Pregnant Woman is the same as Domestic Battery and Assault, but the alleged offence is committed with the knowledge that the victim is expecting a child. FELONY[iv] Domestic assault and Battery on a second or subsequent offence is the same as domestic assault and Battery on a first offence. It makes no difference if the “victim” is a different person or how minor the purported “injury” may be. Domestic assault and Battery in the presence of a minor on a second or subsequent occasion is the same as domestic assault and Battery on a first occasion in the presence of a minor.  Additionally, exactly with the 2nd Offence Domestic Assault and Battery, the victim’s identity, the child involved, and the severity of the injuries is irrelevant. The second offence of domestic assault and Battery on a pregnant woman is the same as the first offence, with the exception that this is the second or subsequent offence. It should be highlighted that similar to the other charges, it is irrelevant whether or not the alleged victim is the same, whether or not the victim is pregnant, or how severe the injury is. It should be mentioned that the severity of the punishment is GREATLY raised IF the unborn child is hurt or the claimed mistreatment results in a miscarriage.  Domestic Battery and strangulation assault[v] With the exception that the claimed crime involves some sort of strangulation, this is the same as domestic assault and Battery. The legal definition of strangulation in Oklahoma is as follows: “Strangulation means any kind of asphyxia, including but not limited to, closure of the (blood vessels)/(air passages)/nostrils/mouth as a result of external pressure on the head/neck.” It should be noted that even “attempted” strangulation can result in the filing of a criminal charge in addition to strangulation, which results in an automatic felony charge. Domestic Assault and Battery Causing Great Bodily Injury[vi] Domestic assault and Battery are involved here, however, the severity of the alleged victim’s injuries is taken into account. Great bodily injury, according to Oklahoman courts, is defined as any bone fracture OR any prolonged and evident disfigurement OR any prolonged (lengthy period) loss/impairment of function of a body part/organ OR that created a significant risk of death for the accused victim.  Domestic Assault and Battery With Deadly Weapon[vii] Except that a legal “deadly” instrument or weapon was used in this domestic assault and Battery. You’ll see that four sorts of domestic assault and Battery fall under the misdemeanour category. We refer to these as predicate offences.  No matter how serious the allegation or injury, if you ever enter a plea to one…


Rights And Duties Of Partners

Rights And Duties Of Partners  The basic aim of this research article is to understand the rights and duties of partners in a partnership business and to know the laws through which they are governed and related statutes as well. Now it becomes crucial to first understand the concept of partnership to understand the obligations and rights of a partner. [A partnership is a relationship between the persons who have agreed to share the profits and losses of a business carried on by all the partners or any of them acting for all]1. Introduction : A partnership is one of how business can be carried out where two or more persons join together to create and run the partnership business. The persons who have entered into a partnership with one another are called individually ‘partners’ and collectively a ‘firm’. The law relating to partnership in India is contained in the Indian partnership act, 1932 which is concerned partly with the rights and duties of partners between themselves and partly. A partnership company usually has an agreement that includes each partner’s duties and rights however, in the absence of a contract there are laws that the partners need to follow to be legally correct. Another fundamental of a partnership is that partners’ relationships with one another must be in the utmost good faith. Section 4, Indian Partnership Act, 1932 Background : The Indian Partnership Act 1932 was passed by the legislation and received its assent on 8th April 1932 and came into force on 1st  October 1932. The principles of the partnership were first contained in chapter 11 (sections 239 to 266) of the Indian Contract Act, of 1872. With the development of the economy, trade, and commerce in India it was felt that these sections were not sufficient and hence a need for a separate partnership act was felt. Thus, the Indian Partnership Act came up and sections under the Indian Contract Act containing partnership laws were repealed. the present partnership act is based on the English Partnership Act, 1890 with required modifications. Besides the Indian Partnership Act 1932 partnership laws in India are also governed by the Limited Liability Partnership Act,2008 which is concerned with limited liability partnerships. In an LLP the partners have limited liability. There is no overlapping between the provisions of these two statutes. The Limited Liability Act allows Indian businesses to combine professional expertise with new ideas and entrepreneurial initiatives and renders support for them to operate efficiently and innovatively. An  LLP allows its members to undertake limited liabilities while structuring their company as a partnership. Rights and duties of partners : Partners can determine their mutual rights and duties by a contract called a partnership deed which deals with aspects of general administration such as, which partner will do what work, and what will be their share in profits, it may be made or varied by express or implied consent of all the partners. section 11 provides that subject to the provisions of the Indian Partnership Act, partners can use this agreement to prohibit each other from carrying on any business other than that of the firm. Now let us look at the duties and rights of partners as per this Act – Duties of partners : Duty to act honestly and render true accounts (section 9) – partners are bound to carry on the business of the firm to the greatest mutual profits and to be true and faithful to each other. The partners must try to ensure that the business makes the most revenue possible. partners also must render true accounts and full information of all things which may affect the firm, to any partner or his heir or legal representative. Duty to indemnify for the loss caused by fraud (section 10) – if a partner’s action leads to a loss to the company’s performance, then they must reimburse their partners for that loss. Duty to be diligent ( section 12 b) – A partner is required by section 12 (b) to fulfill their responsibilities diligently. according to section 13(f), a person must hold the company harmless for any damages resulting from his wilful negligence. Proper use of the partnership firm’s property ( section 15) – Subject to the contract between the partners the property of the firm shall be held and used by the partners exclusively for the business. Duty not to compete (section 16) – If a partner derives any profits for himself from any transaction of the form or the use of the property or business connection of the firm or the firm name, he shall account for that profit and pay to the firm. Rights of the partners: Right to participate in the operation of the business (section 12 a ) – As a partnership firm is a corporation of the partners and their management abilities are typically coextensive, all the partners of a partnership business have the right to participate in the business conducted by the company. Right to consult ( section 12 c ) – When a disagreement of any kind emerges between partners in a company over commercial matters it will be settled by the majority opinion of the partners. Before a decision is taken every partner in the organization is entitled to voice their opinion, however, changes to the company’s business activities cannot be made without the approval of all the partners. Right to access the books (section 12)  The partner has the authority to examine and if necessary, obtain a copy of the books of accounts however this right must only be appropriately used. Right to claim remuneration, profits, and interest on capital (section 13 a to 13 d) – A partner is not entitled to receive remuneration for taking part in the conduct of the business. A partner making, for business, any payment or advance beyond the amount of capital he has agreed to subscribe, is entitled to interest thereon at the rate of 6% per annum. Right to be indemnified (section 13…


Police Brutality

Police Brutality This article tries to highlight police brutality, which is when the police use excessive force because police brutality seriously violates human rights. It can be said that society is impacted by the police’s harshness, cruelty, and ruthlessness towards helpless and vulnerable people. The state’s most powerful and in charge branch of government is the police. They are employed to help those in need, settle disagreements and disputes, assist the weaker groups, offer security and recourse, and uphold law and order in the community, but officers abuse their authority. The history of Indian police will be discussed in this article, including how it first developed and its current structure. Further articles describe an analysis of police behavior in which ways police misuse their power or which type of excessive or physical force is used by the policeman. The article also focuses on police brutality laws, controls, and police complaint procedures. Introduction The word police are derived from the Latin word “Politia”, which means state or administration. The Police Act, of 1861 defines the term police in section 1 as “police” includes all persons who shall be enrolled under the Act. The word brutality is derived from the French word “Brutal” which means severity, harshness, or fierceness. It is the psychological or physical intimidation of innocent people through a variety of tactics, such as unlawful detention, torture, abuse, physical assault, etc. The police’s roles and responsibilities include serving the community, reducing crime, upholding the rule of law, settling interpersonal issues, etc. When people disobey the law and order, the police may use excessive force to quell the violence, which is when police brutality happens. Sometimes it is based on racial discrimination means discrimination against any person based on caste, creed, region, religion, sex, etc. Police brutality can be mental, physical, verbal abuse racial profiling, and false imprisonment. There are so many nations with laws against police brutality. Although it is considered a serious infraction, there are still many instances where citizens’ or victims’ complaints never even get to the point of an investigation. Historical Background Of Police In India The pre-19th-century background of the police in India will be covered in this essay. The notion of a separate regular police force did not exist throughout the British era, and the relevant period was immediately following the creation of the rule. Warren Hastings initiated several laws for police reforms in 1774 during the Company’s authority, which subsequently culminated in the Police Act of 1861. The execution of the recently constituted Sindi territory was given to Sir Charles Napier. To capture this dangerous and crime-ridden area, he reorganized the local police apparatus, ensuring that it would provide the required outcomes and operate as intended. After independence, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the first Union home minister, recognized the importance of civil services in India, and the Islington Commission Report first referred to it as the Indian Police Service in 1917. Numerous acts were passed after independence, including the CRPF Act, of 1949, The Kerala Police Act, of 1960, and The Mysore Police Act, of 1963, etc, were promulgated. In 1951 the All India Services Act was enacted constituting an All India Service known as the IAS and IPS. Read Also Freedom Of Speech Kinds Of Police Brutality Illegal Detention The term “illegal detention” describes constraints placed on a person by police officials acting within the scope of their legally recognized authority to administer the legal process but without any legally recognized justification, such as a valid arrest warrant, reasonable suspicion, or permission. It is also known as a false arrest or detention. Racial Discrimination Racial discrimination is when police officers treat poor people unfairly or illegally based on factors such as caste, creed, color, gender, sex, religion, age, region, etc. Police personnel reject complaints from people of lower castes. Sexual Harassment When police officers act improperly or abuse their authority by physically, verbally, or orally assaulting somebody, it is known as sexual harassment. It refers to any victim or prisoner being harassed illegally. For example, sexual assault during a late-night traffic stop, and coercive, rape by a corrections officer. Wrongful search and seizure In many common and civil law legal systems, wrongful search and seizure refers to the practice of police officers or other authorities and their agents searching a person’s property while under suspicion of committing a crime and seizing any evidence they find that is connected to the crime. Only a few nations’ constitutions include clauses guaranteeing people’s freedom from “wrongful or unreasonable searches and seizures.” The main premise of this right is that everyone has a legitimate right to privacy. Laws Related To Police Brutality The organization is recognized by the constitution as a quasi-federal body that is specified in Article 246 and listed in the State List of the Seventh Schedule and it is outside the scope of the state’s particular government’s authority to enact laws governing the police in that state. But policing directives are entirely federal. The Indian Police Act of 1861 governs the country’s police administration. This act has been passed by 28 Indian states and 8 union territories. After all, there are numerous contradictions or issues in the Indian police system. There Are Mainly Three Types Of Laws Under Which A Case Can Be Filed Against Police Brutality Public Law Criminal Law Private Law In this article, we will deal with two laws i.e., Public and Criminal law because most cases are filed under these two laws. Public law The Indian Constitution is where public law for police administration first appeared. In the third part of the constitution, which addresses violations of fundamental rights, the courts have consistently held the police force and the state accountable for excessive force under public law and assessed damages and punishment against both the state and police officers. Criminal law Under Sections 197 and 132 of the Criminal Procedure Code, police systems are liable to be protected from unjustified allegations. The Criminal Procedure Code, which was passed in 1973, provides procedural safeguards to police…

Criminal Law, Human Rights, Indian Constitution