
Tag: Justice

Fundamental Rights And Its Significance To Establish Democracy

Introduction The constitution of India, 1950 as of 2021, there are 25 parts with 448 articles and 12 schedules. This chapter of the constitution of India is very well described as the Magna Carta of India. Magna Carta term is derived from the Latin language meaning “Great Charter” and it holds great power because it was the first document to put in writing that no one was above the law not even the King. The inclusion of this chapter in the constitution is by the trend of modern thought, the idea is to preserve that which is an indispensable condition of a free society. The aim of having fundamental rights declares that certain elementary rights, such as the right to life, liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of faith, and so on, should be regarded as unalterable under all conditions and that the shifting majority in Legislation of the country should not have a free hand in interfering with these fundamental rights. History  As early as 1215 the English people exacted an assurance from King John for respect for the ancient liberties. The Magna Carta is evidence of their which is written document. Thereafter from time to time, the King had acceded to many rights to his subjects. In France, the Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen (1789) declared the natural, inalienable, and sacred rights of man. Following the spirit of the Magna Carta of the British and the declaration of the rights of the man and the citizen of France, the Americans incorporated the Bill of Rights into their constitution. The Americans were the first to give the Bill of Rights a constitutional status. Thus, when the constitution of India was being framed the background for the incorporation of the Bill of Rights was already present. The framers took inspiration from this and incorporated a full chapter in the Constitution dealing with fundamental rights. Schedule of Fundamental Rights The fundamental rights are incorporated in the Indian constitution and divided into the following six groups: – Right to Equality (Art 14-18) Right to Freedom (Art 19-22) Right against Exploitation (Art 23-24) Right to Freedom of Religion (Art 25-28) Cultural and Educational Rights (Art 29-30) Right to Constitutional Remedies (Art 32-35) The 44th Amendment has abolished the Right to property as a fundamental right as provided in Art 19(1)(f) and Art 31 of the Constitution, and hence Art 19(1)(f) and 31 has been omitted. Salient Features of Fundamental Rights Comprehensive and Detailed: The rights in the Part III of the constitution are very elaborate. Each Article has been described with its scope and limitations. Lack of social and Economic rights: The Constitution guarantees only civil rights and freedoms. Rights like the Right to work, the right to health, and the Right to Social Security have not been included in the Fundamental rights. Rights are qualified: The fundamental rights of people are not absolute except the right against untouchability. They are qualified with limitation and reasonable restriction in the collective interest of society. While describing the scope of each right, the Constitution also describes its limitations. These have been laid down to protect the public health, public order, morality, and security of India. Some exceptions are also provided to fundamental rights through their non-applicability to members of security and law and order-related forces, during martial law and, certain laws necessary for socio-economic reforms. Enforceability of Rights: Fundamental rights have been made Justiciable. Justiciable rights mean if any of these rights are violated by the government or anyone else, the individual has the right to approach the Supreme Court or high courts for protection. There are elaborate instruments to protect these rights, such as the right to Constitutional remedy, Public Interest Litigation, and Human Rights commissions. Constitutional Superiority of Fundamental Rights: The Fundamental Rights of the citizens are superior to ordinary laws and the Directive Principles of the State when the President withdraws it. Importance of Fundamental Rights Fundamental Rights are deemed essential to protect the rights and liberties of the people against the Government. They are limitations upon all the management of the Government, legislative as well as executive and they are essential for the preservation of public and private rights, notwithstanding the representative character of political instruments. Speaking about the Importance of Fundamental Rights in the historic judgment of Manika Gandhi Union of India, Bhagwati, J., observed: “The Fundamental rights represent to protect the dignity of the individual and create conditions in which every human being can fully develop his personality. They weave a ‘pattern of guarantee on the basic structure of human rights, and impose a negative obligation on the State not to encroach on individual liberty in its various dimensions” These rights are regarded as fundamental because they are essential for the attainment of the individual or his full intellectual, moral, and spiritual status. The advocates of inclusion of these rights in the Indian Constitution vest them with a sanctity that legislators dare not to violate so easily. The Doctrine of Severability and Eclipse The doctrine of Severability: It means that if an offending provision can be separated from that which is constitutional then only that part which is offending is to be declared as void and not entire statute. In R.M.D.C v. Union of India (AIR 1957 SC 628), the court observed that the intention of the legislature. The doctrine of Eclipse: It is based on the principle that a law that violates fundamental rights is not nullity or void ab initio but becomes only enforceable i.e., remains in a moribund condition. Such law exists for all past transactions, for rights and liabilities incurred before the constitution came into force, and for the determination of rights of persons who have not been given fundamental rights by the constitution e.g., non-citizens (Bhikaji the state of M.P AIR 1955 Sc 781) The doctrine of eclipse applies to a post-constitutional law Article 13(2) deals with post–constitution or future laws [while clause (1) deals with pre–constitution or existing law]. It…

Indian Constitution

Criminal law amendment act, 2018

Amendments mean a change any minor major addition or removal of any rules, numbers, figures, sections, or articles in any act is known as an amendment in criminal law we have the latest amendment in 2018. Which was enacted on 11th August 2018 and came into force on the 21st day of April 2018 As the offences against women especially rape cases with women under the age of 12 and 16 years, for example Kathua rape case. We needed an amendment in the act which added strict provisions and punishments in the act, especially for minor girls. “An act further to amend the Indian penal code 1860, Indian evidence act 1872, the Code of criminal procedure 1973 and Protection of Children from sexual offences act, 2012.” Be it enacted by parliament in the 69th year of the Republic of India. Introduction Criminal law is the law which is made to punish the offenders ( culprits ) for the offences that they have committed. It provides rules regarding legal and illegal things which is allowed or which are not allowed. In general, regarding criminal law, we have two acts Indian penal code, 1860 and, code of criminal procedure, 1973 Indian penal code 1860 is a substantive law which only says which action is an offence and what should be the punishment for that crime. Code of criminal procedure, 1973 as the name suggests is a procedural law and it provides the procedure through which the offenders get published. Again in support of these laws we have the Law of Evidence, without which there will be much delay in trial and harm to the general public and the litigants will have to face the obstructions and bear more costs. The object of the law of evidence is to restrict the investigations made by the court within the limits of general convenience. If such restrictions are not, put no suit can be decided even if its trial takes place for a long time. The law of Evidence is for judicial behaviour like the reasoning for logic. Again we will talk about the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act,2012 The amendment proposes to enhance punishment for the rape of a child, who is below the age of 18 years, divided into three as: up to 12 years, up to 16 years,  16 to 18 years. This bill has replaced the criminal law (amendment) ordinance. Background As an office against women especially rape cases with women under the age of 12 or 16 years, for example, the Kathua rape case. We needed amendments in the act which added provisions and punishments in the act is especially for minor girls. Kathua rape case,2018: The case relates to the brutal rape and murder of an 8-year girl in Kathua village back in 2018. In June 2019  special court at Pathankot sentenced three men to life imprisonment in this case. The court has also sentenced three police officers to 5-year of imprisonment for causing distraction of evidence. the supreme court has transferred the trial of the case from Kathua to Pathankot in Punjab given the obstruction of justice by the lawyers who have protested against the police arresting the accused person justice. Justice J.B. Pardiwala held that the respondent accused was not a juvenile at the time of the commission of the offence and should be tried the way other accused persons were tried by the law. The supreme court bench also ruled that the medical expert estimate regarding the age of the accused is not a statutory substitute for proof but is only an opinion. Amendments under the Indian penal code 1860 1. Amendment under section 166A (Added section376AB,376DA,376DB) 166A of the code deals with the duties of a public servant conducting an investigation. There are three amendment acts in the section but the amendment act is made in clause c which says a public servant who fails to record any information given to him under subsection 1 of section 154 of the criminal procedure code about cognizable. the offence is punishable under section Section 326A Section 326B Section 354B Section 370 Section 370A Section 376 Section 376A Section 376AB Section 376B Section 376C Section 376D Section 376DA Section 376DB Section 376E Section 509 2. Under section 228A This section is inserted in the Indian penal code by criminal law amendment act,1983 to prevent social victimization and ostracism of victims of sex crimes. It prohibits the printing and publication of the Identity of victims of rape and other sexual crimes. Subsection 1 of this section, section 376AB, section 376 DA, and section 376 DB were added with sections 376A, 376B, and section 376C. 3. An amendment under section 376 This section deals with offences of after amendment subsection 1 says whoever except in the cases provided for in sub–section 2 (which is rape committed by a police officer), commits rape shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than 10 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine.(Imprisonment of10years to life imprisonment+ fine) Clause I of subsection 2 is omitted after the amendment which punishes, rape committed by a man on a woman when she is under 16 years of age The amendment included subsection 3: whoever commits rape on a woman under 16 years of age shall be punished with, rigorous imprisonment for not less than 20 years which may extend to imprisonment for life, which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life, and shall also be liable to fine. provided further that the fine imposed under the subsection shall be paid to the victim. 4. Insertion of new section 376 DA and section 376 DB where a woman under 16 years of age is raped by one hour more persons constituting a group or acting in furtherance of a common intention, each of those persons will be deemed to have committed the…

Criminal Law