
Schools Of Muslim Law


  • Schools mean thoughts.
  • Schools under Muslim Law are two:-
    • Sunni school; &
    • Shia
  • The division between Sunni and Shia schools is not based on theological ground
  • It is based on political grounds with respect to the appointment of a caliph and increased with the passage of time.


  • Abu Bakr
  • Hazrat Umar
  • Hazrat Usman-e-gani
  • Hazrat Ali


Schools under Muslim Law:- 

Schools Of Muslim Law

Sunni school’s sub-schools:-

Hanafi School:-


  • Imam Abu Hanifa founded the Hanafi school
  • Imam Abu Hanifa was born in 80 Qufa.
  • He has constituted a committee of forty people for the purpose of Codifying Islamic law and this committee took 22 years to complete its work.
  • Hanafi School has solved almost 5 lakh legal problems.
  • This collection is known as Kutubh-Abu-Hanifa.
  • He died in 150 H. at the age of 70.


The Quran is the most important source of Muslim Law, having dual purposes Provides law and Confers authority to another source.

  • All traditions of the Prophet are not important only traditions that are established/approved and beyond doubt are important.
  • Ijma can be of any age according to the changing needs of society/time.
  • He accepted analogical deduction as a valid source of
  • He founded a new doctrine called the Doctrine of Juristic Preference.

Maliki School:-


  • Maliki School was founded by Imam Malik.
  • Imam Malik was born in Madina
  • He wrote a book called Muwatta.


  • The Quran is the most important source of the law.
  • He was in favor of those traditions which was similar to the practices of the people of Madina.
  • He validates the Ijma of jurists and their successors.
  • He preferred analogical deduction which was in consonance/conformity with the Quran and the traditions of the Prophet.
  • He founded a doctrine of Public Good.

Shafi’i School:-


  • Imam Shafi’i was born in Ghaza, Palestine.
  • He belongs to the tribe of ‘Quresh’ and was a ‘Hasmi’, remotely connected with Prophet.


  • The Quran is the source of legal knowledge.
  • He preferred sunnat over hadith.
  • He was a strong supporter of Ijma
  • He accepted and formulated a detailed rule into the application of analogical deduction as a source of Law
  • He rejected both the doctrines of Imam Hanifa and Imam Malik..

Hambali School:-


  • Imam Muhammad Hambal was the founder of this School
  • He was born in Baghdad.
  • He belonged to the family of Shayban
  • Abu Hanifa. was one of the famous disciples of Imam Abu Abu Hanifa.


  • The Quran is the most important source of law.
  • He accepted every kind of Tradition.
  • He accepted but rarely used Ijma as a source of Law.
  • He used Qiyas only in Share of necessity.

Shia school:-

  • Ithnā ʿAsharīyah:- believes in twelve Imam

  • Ismailiya:- believes in seven Imam

  • Zaidiya:- believes in four Imam



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